How set Android Phone WiFi for cheating Camera

Warning: As long as you make the Wi-Fi settings, the camera must be turned off! Then, at each use first activate the Wi-Fi network (Hotspot from the phone or turn on the router) with the name: “net caffe” and the password “copiat2019” and only after at least 1 minute turn on the camera. When you turn on the camera, it must have the Wi-Fi network available because the first thing the camera does when it starts is to search the internet network and if it does not find it, there is the possibility not to try again later – you will have to stop the camera and restart it again after you turn on the Wi-Fi network.

Usually you can use any Smartphone that is compatible with GSM 4G networks.

Very rarely it was reported that although connected to the mobile phone, the camera captured the images but did not reach Dropbox. This is caused by certain antiviruses or enabled phone protections that allowed the camera to connect to the phone but blocked access of the camera to the outside.

If the camera is connected to your phone and still the images do not reach Dropbox, try to make Hotspot from another phone. Attention: NEVER forget that when you use another device to connect the camera to the internet (phone, portable 4G router or fixed router) you should disable the hotspot function from the first device with which you made the test if it is still around you (<50m). Otherwise you will have 2 Wi-Fi networks with the same name that will conflict – the camera will not know which one to connect to.

Because there are many brands and models of mobile phones, there is no standard way to set up and enable the Wi-Fi network you need to have in order for the camera to connect to it. Every mobile phone manufacturer can customize the phone menu and so the interface will look different.

It is important to follow the steps below exactly in the following order:

  • Check that the camera is turned off,
  • Disable the Wi-Fi function of your phone,
  • Disable the Bluetooth function of the phone,
  • Disable the Mobile Data function,
  • Check that you have activated the 4G LTE band, some phones have selected 3G and you have low internet speed:
    1. Enter Settings – Connections – Mobile Networks – Network Mode
    2. Here check that you have selected LTE/3G/2G (automatic connection)
  • Enable the Mobile Data function,
  • Enable the Mobile Hotspot function,
  • Enter Hotspot function settings – Hotspot configuration,
  • You will need to enter the following settings:
  1.  Network name: net caffe
  2. Warning: all characters in lowercase and WITH space between words!!
  3. password: copiat2019
  4. If you leave the net caffe network without a password (Open) the camera will not be able to connect!!!
  5. Warning: all characters in lower case (including the first letter) WITHOUT space!!!
  6. If you have the following settings available:
  7. Select the 2.4GHz Band
    Older phones do not have this bandwidth change function
    They will only work on 2.4Ghz as standard.
    Warning: The camera does NOT work in the 5GHz band.
  8. For security select: WPA2 PSK
  9. SSID broadcast: tick hide device –
    The Wi-Fi network will be visible only to the camera – a function available only on certain mobile phones.
  10. Select Allow connection of all devices
  11. Save the entered settings by touching the save or V button depending on the phone.

Make sure that the hotspot function is enabled because sometimes when you enable it at the beginning and if you later make changes in settings (you change the name of the Wi-Fi network or the password) the hotspot function may be disabled automatically.

But you don’t have to worry, as the Hotspot function can’t be disabled automatically as long as your camera is already connected to your phone.

Make sure that the mobile data function is also enabled and that you have credit on your SIM card or an internet traffic option activated, before starting the camera. To check if the internet works, after completing all the steps you can connect to the new network created by you with the name net caffe with password copiat2019 with any other phone or laptop and browse few internet pages to check if the internet works well.

Only after you have followed all the above steps can you turn on the camera.
In the Hotspot menu at the bottom of the phone screen you will see written Connected Devices (the name and positioning may differ from one phone to another and some phones such as Iphone even lack this function). When the Hotspot is turned off, the Connected Devices function may not appear in the Hotspot menu. After you configure and enable the Mobile Hotspot, the Connected Devices function will have to appear.

Initially as long as the camera is turned off it will appear: no device connected. About a minute after starting the camera, the camera name will appear. This means that the mini camera is connected to your phone.

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